My week home went by so fast! It was great to be home but it’s also nice to be back into a routine, to have my own space and not to be living out of a suitcase. My trip home was a bit of a whirlwind trying to squeeze in time to see everyone but I’m pretty sure I got to see everyone even if it was just for an hour over breakfast.
Now that I’m back, I have confirmed that the lack of day light is in fact what has been making me feel like a zombie. At home I was jumping out of bed around 7am every day wide awake and full of energy, but here I’ve been having to drag my butt out of bed after hitting snooze five times every day. On the bright side it is now daylight when I leave work in the afternoons which is awesome. It’ll be summer before I know it at this rate!
The very first meteor shower of 2012 took place last night with the Quadrantids. It’s an annual shower that is well-known amongst astronomy circles for being awesome. Last year the shower took place with a full moon, causing light pollution that diminished visibility but this year the visibility was expected to be great. A whole group of us met at the library in town to head out to a top secret star gazing location around 9 pm but sometime between 5:30pm when I was out running errands and 9pm the clouds moved in and completely obstructed the view. It was so cloudy we didn’t even end up trying to go out to watch. I was pretty bummed! I’ve never actually seen a meteor shower before I since there is so little light pollution here compared to the city I figured there would be a pretty spectacular show. A few of us ended up going for a long walk instead which wasn’t quite as exciting but still nice to get out of the house and get moving.
Work is really slow this week because most of my colleagues took the week before the holidays as vacation and consequently have much more to catch up on than I do so no clients were booked for the week. I didn’t actually miss any work days while I was home since the office was closed so I didn’t even have a single e-mail in my inbox to respond to. It helps that I’m still relatively new and people probably don’t know to contact me yet. As a result I’ve been learning about meteor showers this morning and have been reading up on my Diabetes Educator Competencies. Not exactly my ideal day but I can’t exactly be sitting at my desk reading Game of Thrones now can I? If only….
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