Monday, July 29, 2013

Mid-Work Workout

I have a really hard time sitting still at a desk all day.  In fact, it drives me nuts.  I'm lucky enough to have a job that doesn't always require 8 hours a day of sitting at my computer, however, there are definitely many days that do. This summer has been really bad for it.  Since the schools are out, many people are on holidays, I took holidays etc, I don't have much community programming going on July and August.  My main priority has been organizing and preparing for our Diabetes Group Sessions we have once a month off site.  This means I've been sitting at my desk, on the phone and at my computer for almost 2 months.

I try to get up and walk to the cafeteria for water, send my printing to the printer that's farther away, and walk over to people's desks when I need to talk to them but it never really feels like enough.  The more I sit, the more I want to sit.  It makes me lethargic and lazy and fidgety all at the same time!

In an attempt to break up the monotony of a desk job, I've been taking active coffee breaks.  If it's nice out I'll walk around the block with a coworker, I'll do some exercises in my office or I'll head into the gym in the hospital for 10 minutes of exercise.  Getting the blood flowing makes me so much more productive too!  I'm lucky enough to share an office with only one other person who happens to also be a Registered Dietitian and totally game for doing planks, wall sits and squats in the office with me.  We get a few funny looks when people walk by sometimes but we just smile and invite them to join us!

Today I challenged myself to do some sort of 5 minute exercise every hour of my work day since I knew I'd be at my desk all day.  And thus, the below workout was born!  It wasn't too bad this morning, but it's getting a lot tougher as the day goes on! Give it a try and enjoy!

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