Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!

I'm so excited for the weekend! We're hoping to cross some things off our Summer 2016 Bucket list and spend time outside. And the best part? Chris is home from the mine this weekend! Weekends are just way more fun when he's home. Plus it's his first set home of the summer and his first set home as my husband! I have a wedding post planned but I'm still waiting on a few more pictures to come back from the photographer (aka Poppa Parkes).

Our plans for the weekend include a BBQ with friends tonight, boating, yard work and hitting up the beach with the toddler and the puppy.

So to celebrate Friday, here are some of my favorite things over the past week!


Max Enjoying a Kale and Avocado Smoothie. It's his favorite way to consume tons of leafy green things.

Waiting for Dad's plane to land. He decided to bring toy planes with him, one for each hand. It's crazy how much he understands now! 

Gardening his Auntie Ally. He's super helpful..for about 30 seconds. Rose bushes for days!

How I feel about my running buddy here in Hay River. Please note I am more often the dog of the duo. I laughed out loud when I saw this and it still makes me smile.

Some miscellaneous perennials I've got blooming. Anyone know the name of them? I'm sure I bought them last year. Why didn't I keep that plastic stick thing?

Spring Tulips! Tulips always remind me of Mothers Day. We used to pick yellow tulips out of my moms garden for her.


How the over glorification of motherhood hurts us all

Why I'm not trying to raise an exceptional child

10 truths of motherhood from a fathers perspective

My kids watch way to much TV and I don't Care

Signs of life

10 ways to make (and keep) friendships as an adult

A Place Called Freedom by Ken Follett (an audio-book I'm listening to and really enjoying! He's my favorite author!)

When you lose weight, where does it actually go?


All things rhubarb! I made these Rhubarb muffins this week and they've been a hit with the whole family.

I've also been munching on these protein pancakes and Max loves them too. I usually add some kale or spinach to them as well to up Max man's vegetable intake.  It was a recipe I found on Carrots n' Cake which I loosely followed and can't seem to find again.  It's nice to have a protein pancake recipe that doesn't require protein powders. They're expensive and not something I want to feed to Max all that often since they can have weird additives or sweeteners.

Oatmeal Protein Pancakes
In a blender, combine: 1 egg, 1 banana, 1/3-1/2 cup rolled oats, a handful of leafy greens (kale or spinach are my favorites).
Blend until smooth, pour into a frying pan and cook like a normal pancake! Top with fruit, yogurt, maple syrup, jam or whatever your heart desires.

Happy Friday Everyone!

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